private pro piano lessons with Kay Lang

Great for your Piano Fingers and Art Imagination! Build your own MPT Grandma, Grandpa, Rythmon!  Set includes 3 wooden characters and all decorations.

Attention!Variation in colors in each set! All details for craft are sticky. However, you can help your child and use a glue for the craft. For wood dolls' hair, open pompon and use a glue to stick it on dolls' heads. You will LOVE your result and these MPT Characters!

MPT U-Build Characters

Wristband for Students and Teachers

$2.99(1 wristband in individual pack)

Workbook for "My Piano Time" Book 2 (Digital Download. Studio License)

43 pages with Exercises, including 6 Manuscript Papers with Large Staff.Please, watch the video:

Five fantastic which work like a magic wands, hand finished wood sticks for explanation of musical staff for sight-reading and rhythmic exercises!

MPT Sticks

Set of Grasping Balls (Set of 3)

Cards with Images (Set of 2 two-sides cards, total 16 images)

Set of Cards with 4 Images


Training Fingertips Balls

                        (Set of 2)


Absolutely great and useful training balls for sensing grasping fingertip motion. After using these grasping balls, you will see the difference in touching the keys immediately. Please watch the video how to use the Piano Grasping Balls here

Piano Grasping Balls are made from fitting rubber material and are safe for kids.




Amazing hand finished, high quality wood set (5 MPT wood sticks, 15 MPT Black/White notes, 2 hand finished wooden butterflies, 2 hand finished flowers, 7 MPT scale blocks, 1 MPT wristband, 1 MPT hand finished wooden car toy) to make your lessons great and knowledgeable! Your students will love it!

Seven beautiful, high quality, hand made wooden blocks with note names:  C D E F G A B for your piano and music theory lessons!

Set of two hands approximately 5 inches, color options, and set of four small hands approximate 3 inches in four different colors, LH and RH. Made from two types of cardboard (soft and firm).


High quality gloss stickers which will like any student of your Piano Studio!

Workbook for "My Piano Time" Book 1 (Digital Download. Studio License)

33 pages with Exercises, including 7 Manuscript

Papers with Large Staff. Please, watch the video:

These Balls are perfect for training fingertips and firm little joints. You

will see a difference in pressing the keys

correctly! Students love to work with these safe material fingertip balls from the very first lesson. 

​​​​​​​​This exclusive patentedtwo side toy is only available from, and was created ​to help students with the sensation

of touching the keyboard.  As an educator you will immediately see the difference how students become comfortable with the proper touch of the keys of the piano with My Piano Toy. The size of this plush toy and the shape of a grand piano is perfect for the young student to hold in their young hand. ​​The toy is made from certified safe materials. Each toy has individual pack.


Six Hands Set



MPT Learning Set




Stickers (Set of 12)


A great resource for the piano student to organize their progress: 44 lessons, including The Circle of Fifths in a “Sun” shape, tables of Sharps and Flats scales, List of favorite pieces with score, illustrations of selected Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern Composers, along with evolutionary pictures of piano and famous Arts and Architecture through the centuries, and vocabulary of musical terms from “My Piano Time” books. Each lesson page has a scale line to help prepare and play scales, the quarters from “Advice to Young Musicians” by Schumann, and Grand Staff lines to write notes.  Your children will LOVE it!!

​Black and white pages.

Piano Coloring Sheets

Perfect activity for developing students' creativity and imagination (A4 size, PDF format, perfectly matches for a binder). Studio License.

This cute glow-in-the-dark wristband is sized perfectly to match students and their teachers. With this educational toy, it is easy to memorize and repeat the musical Alphabet in any order, or to cross out letters of the Alphabet that the student knows how to find on the keyboard. This wristband is made from 100% silicone (latex-free) that won't fade, flake, or break. Its gel-like texture makes it comfortable for everyday wear and is safe for kids. 

High quality gloss cards with images.


(digital instant download)​



(digital instant download)​


MPT Notebook

High quality double sided cards with 16 images total will make your lessons successful and your students confident from the first steps. Multitasking cards are for an intro to Reading notes on the Grand Staff, understanding line-space patterns, recognizing melodies by ear, solfeggio, and writing notes on the Staff. 

MPT Scale Blocks




My Piano Plush Toy 



MPT Black/White notes

30 Black and white high quality hand made circles on wooden base ( 2 whole notes, 4 half notes, 8 quarter notes, 16 eighth notes).  For sight-reading and rhythmic exercises